Saturday, March 17, 2012

Where do all you people come from?

No, seriously, tell me where you come from.

I've had 271 page views total, some of which are from Russia and Germany. While that's totes awesome, how the heck did you find my blog? It's not that I don't appreciate the blog views- in fact, I generally whine about not having enough- but I have no clue what you're looking at in order to find my blog.

Am I on some obscure blogging website somewhere that recommends people read silly blogs? Are you people just spammers? Is my computer going to die because spammers looked at it? Are you guys actually Interpol? If so, can you recruit me to be a secret agent? Because think about it- who is going to suspect someone as totally inept as I am to be a spy? You could give me a laser and a jet pack, and I could become "THE STEAM PUNK!" because I would be a punk, and I'd have this great jet pack I could use. It's a brilliant idea, and you know it. So think about it, Interpol. You have my email address.

Anyways, are people actually TALKING about my blog? I hope it's in a good way. But a bad way could be okay, too.
"Hey, what are you looking at?"
"This great blog! You should read it!"
"Oh man, this is HILARIOUS! How do you find this stuff?! All I find are crappy blogs about indecisive teenagers."
"Really? Crappy blogs about indecisive teenagers? I find that hard to believe..."
"It's true! Look! *pulls up my blog*"

And just like that, I have another page view. BOOM! And maybe that person will actually like my blog. YOU NEVER KNOW.

So, in other words, if you don't actually know me (aka, found this blog other than my slathering it all over my Facebook page) please, please, PLEASE, I am BEGGING YOU, tell me how you found this blog. You will get free cyber hugs and lots of gold stars if you tell me through my email or by commenting. It'll only take ten seconds to earn my eternal gratitude. That's worth it, right?

Monday, March 5, 2012

I swear I'm actually working on stuff

I have an actual post I'm working on, as well as (maybe) posting some writing. I'm also considering opening a account, or whatever because it looks like a tumblr is not ahead in the forseeable future. No role-playing adventures for me :S

Instead, I'll leave you with this thought: Sutton Foster.

That is all :)