

My name is Kylie.

I'm a senior. In a high school. In Utah.

My life is so glamorous.

ALSO, GUESS WHAT. This blog is mostly a splurge ground for all of my thoughts, so if it seems random and disjointed... well, that's because it is. STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS, PEOPLE. I DOES IT. It is also becoming a place for me to obsess over things, so basically a tumblr without being a tumblr.

Nothing belongs to me except the writing or unless explicitly stated. Or bragged about. If I draw something fantastic, I'll be like "GUYS. GUYS. DID YOU SEE THIS. BECAUSE I DREW IT. AND IT IS SO GOOD. GUYS. GUYS YOU AREN'T EVEN LOOKING AT THIS MASTERPIECE. WHERE ARE YOU GOING. GUYS. GUYS."

True story.

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