Tuesday, June 12, 2012

They say you learn something new every day, but they never tell you if it's good or bad, but if it's about Disneyland, it's usually good. Right?

I know almost everything about it.

The significance of Abraham Lincoln to the Disney legacy.
Walt's light.
Club 33.
How unintentionally hilarious Walt Disney was.
"Disney's Folly" and how un-folly like it ended up being.

So believe me when I say that any fact you have to tell me about the parks would surprise me.

I was surprised twice on this trip.



I feel like I owe Nick Fury ten bucks or something.

Unfortunately, one little tidbit I learned was negative information and made me want to punch myself in the face every time I thought about it.
Sorry about that pause. I was trying not to punch myself in the face.

Well, let's get the bad news over with. Cars Land opens June 15th, as in the June 15th that's in three days from right this very moment. So, with only a few days until the grand opening, I figured there would be a soft opening; you know, where the area is open and they test things to see how everything is going to work. Well, there was a soft opening. And I couldn't go. Know why?


Yes, that is correct. I was stuck behind the wall, watching people go in and out like a starving, rabid wolf who just spotted a lame rabbit to snack on, listening to the music of the rides, seeing the happy faces go to and fro, and watching as people passed by, Cozy Cone drinks in their hands and Luigi's Flying Tires on their heads. It was my worst nightmare come to life in living color.

And on top of that, the entire front was closed off as well. Yup, Buena Vista Street was inaccessible, so you had to walk for FOREVER in order to actually get inside the park. It was a freaking nightmare. Oh, and did I mention that CM's got to check that out too? Yeah, I was not a happy camper.

But from what I glimpsed, it's amazing to see Radiator Springs.

It's a real place, guys.

Real people live there.

They just happen to be cars.

And now for the good news!

My aunt had heard a rumor about the Indiana Jones ride that seemed... odd, to tell the truth. The rumor claimed that inside one of the rooms in the queue, an image of Dumbo was projected because the space was originally intended to house a Dumbo attraction. This seemed weird because Disney already has a Dumbo ride; in fact, it's one of their most popular attractions. So why would they have another Dumbo attraction planned? The rumor stated that it was in the projection room and that you would need a flashlight to see it, but other than that, there was no clue as to where it could be.

And naturally, we asked a CM who thankfully knew what we were talking about.

Back in the day, the area wasn't a part of Disneyland- well, not really. It was a parking lot. And when they took the parking lot down to put the attraction in, they saved one of the flags from the lot and hid it in the back of the dark projection room. One would have to be in the next room, look back, and shine a flashlight up there in order to see it, but WAAAAAAAY in the back there is an old flag from the lot. And yes- you guessed it- that lot was the Eeyore lot.

Eeyore. Not Dumbo.

Some people clearly can't identify their animals.

I bet that's really hard for them when they try to identify the Republican and Democratic parties.

And on another note, I feel a lot better about being all super anal about my Disney movies. While watching the Disneyland Band play (they've been "held over" for over 50 years, you know), they were having the conductor "guess" the next song they were going to play. "The next movie starts with the letter 'A'!" the band member proudly announced as the conductor frowned. "Anastasia?" he asked, pulling a confused face. I- totally unintentionally- yelled along with the band "WHAT THAT DOES NOT EVEN MAKE SENSE THAT IS NOT A DISNEY MOVIE YOU ARE DUMB STOP BEING DUMB" or something to that effect, anyways. And it made me joyously happy and I laughed and people looked at me weird, even weirder then that time I walked down Paradise Pier doing the dance to "J-Pop (Welcome to Tokyo)" from "Phineas and Ferb", which is quite odd considering the nature of the dance and how I could even hear the music from so far away. Or when that random Cast Member caught me doing the Charleston in the way-back of California Adventure, strutting about with my jazz hands outstretched proudly.

But that's another story for another post.

Don't touch that dial! More of my Disneyland report is headed straight at 'ya!
Next post: Quotations make the world go 'round!

1 comment:

  1. Soo.. I really hate this captcha thing. I really do. How was Disneyland?


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