Saturday, June 16, 2012


I know, I know, this post isn't the one it's supposed to be, and I'm sorry. Okay, I'm really not sorry, and you'll know why momentarily.

While checking out my page views, I noticed that I have just over 800 total views. Now, I blame a good 400 views on that GIF of Tom in full Loki gear, smiling sweetly like the personification of perfection that he is (he'd deny it, which is how you know he really is perfect).

In fact, on a small tangent, apparently people are finding my blog by looking up "Tom Hiddleston with a puppy". And yes, those just happen to be two things I love (and I'm pretty sure I would totally melt if I ever saw a picture like that), but HELLO, there are no puppies on this blog. At least, none that I can find.

ANYways, I've decided to do something a bit... special because the number of views is going up. When my blog hits 999 viewers/readers (because that just so happens to be my favorite number) I will do something ultra super fantastic!

Those viewing on an actual computer will notice that I have a poll on the right hand side of my page. It will soon reflect what ultra super fantastic thing I am going to do, as I will be taking YOUR INPUT. Yes, that's right, I will be letting the readers decide!


While I will, indeed, be taking into account the polls, I will also be checking my email to see if anyone has suggested anything there. If one of those ideas totally blows my mind, I will be doing one of those instead. The reason I'm bringing this wild card into play is because, let's face it, most people find my blog to look at Tom Hiddleston GIFs that don't even really belong to me. So why not let the people who actually care about the words on the page decide? Also, I don't always have the best ideas, and someone would be like "But THIS!" and I would be like "HOLY CRAP, THAT'S AN INCREDIBLE IDEA!" and I would never have known unless they voiced their opinion.

So people, VOTE! EMAIL! Get your friends reading! Stop looking up Tom Hiddleston/Loki GIFs, even though they're so darn addicting! Let's propel my blog to a really cool number of viewers!

1 comment:

  1. So that's how I'm supposed to up my page views. Interesting.........


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