Saturday, February 11, 2012

He's in my mind, all right. And I am NEVER letting him go

Remember my one post a week goal? And ONLY one post a week? Yeah, that's not gonna happen, because I found something I need to talk about.

Or, rather, some ONE.

Ramin. Freaking. Karimloo.

Oh my gosh, man, could you BE any more attractive?!?! First there's the whole "you are extremely attractive thing" and then the whole "you made me cry because you totally NAILED Erik's character" and then releasing a country/rock CD in March? ... I think I have a new celebrity crush.

And he's only 16 years older than me.

... My other celebrity crush is 14 years older than me.

So what's 3 extra years?

Then again, Ramin is Canadian and Andrew Lee-Potts is British...

Whatever. Ramin can sing. He wins.

On a different note, I totally loved the entire performance. Sierra was... Let me put it this way: I SAW CHRISTINE'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. Yeah. It was pretty intense. And the guy who played Raoul? Hadley Fraser? He was awesome. Seriously, it was like Raoul woke up and said "I think I'll put my man-pants on today!" AND BOY DID HE! He was like "DUDE, STEP OFF MY TROPHY WIFE, FOOL!" and then the Phantom was all "Honestly, boy, your intelligence is utterly astounding. After all, YOU FORGOT TO KEEP YOUR HAND AT THE LEVEL OF YOUR EYES, IMBECILE." Yeah, I loved it.

And the costumes/set/makeup? Oh gosh. They were so amazing. I honestly have no words for how beautiful it was. Like, I want Christine's blue dress and her cape SO BAD, you have no idea.

To everyone who reads this: please please PLEASE find this and watch it. PLEASE. It was so much better than the movie, and had more references to the original story. THEY MENTIONED PERSIA, YOU GUYS. PERSIA. And they kind of referenced his torture chamber, too. Everything together was so perfect, I cried. Several times. And I'm not ashamed to admit it, you know why? Because this is my story. The story that introduced me to the man who could have held the empire of the world, and had to content himself with a cellar. That story. I get it. I really do. I love it so much it hurts sometimes. I'm one of those crazy "phans" who goes around screaming "I CHOOSE YOU, SCORPION!" at the top of my lungs, and I don't care how many people look at me funny because I know that 90 percent of the female population would actually agree with me if they knew what the heck I was talking about.

Erm, anyways...

Seriously, go watch this. I will forever have Ramin's voice floating around in my head because of it.

And unlike Christine, I cannot see anything negative about this.

1 comment:

  1. Well. This certainly was an interesting post. Now for an actual comment. Initiate wait....... Now.


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