Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I'm pretty sure all fictional French men are creepers

Yes, you read that right. I am pretty sure all fictional French men are creepers. How did I come to this conclusion? You tell me.

The Beast
Not much is as creeper as that picture right there. That just SCREAMS "creeper". Anyways, he has a magical mirror that he uses to see the outside world. Let me rephrase that: he has a mirror that lets him spy on people. Any time. Any place. Any where. AND YOU WOULD NEVER KNOW. Creeeeeeeeper....

In a way, Belle should be flattered that Gaston tried to blackmail force gain her hand in marriage. After all, he did manage to see her over the vast mass that was his ego. Basically, if a man wants you bad enough that he has to kill your crush-that-you-don't-even-realize-you-love-yet, barge into your house to "propose" by shoving his nasty feet in your face, and threaten to throw both you AND your dad in the insane asylum, he's pretty much a creeper.

Do I have to spell this one out for you? HE BURNT DOWN PARIS SO HE COULD GET IT ON WITH A GIRL. And not only that, but she was "gypsy scum," one of the people he was trying to eliminate. And she clearly told him where to go SEVERAL TIMES before he went all derpy "SAVE ME MARIA, SHE'S TOO HAWT!" let's-go-burn-down-Paris crazy. So I have no clue how you can NOT call Creepy Old Man a creeper.

Okay, I will be completely honest: I'm not all that familiar with Les Miserables. But suffice it to say that if some random dude walked up to me in a park and confessed his undying love before even telling me his name, I would be pretty terrified. And give him a fake name. And a fake address. And a fake phone number/email address. And then I would make sure he didn't follow me home. I wouldn't confess my new undying love for him ON THE SPOT. But whatever. Maybe I'm just crazy.

Cyrano de Bergerac
*sigh* As much as it pains me to admit it, Mr. Perfect is indeed a creeper. He stalked Roxanne for... what, his entire life before deciding to confess his love for her? And then he let some other dude get the credit for his awesome love notes so she won't diss him to his face because he couldn't handle his life if she wasn't in it. Sounds pretty bad, right? Don't lie to me, it totally does. Well, it gets WORSE. After the husband of the love of his life is killed, he creeped around Roxanne until the second he died. LITERALLY. HE LITERALLY DIES RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. Yuppers, he's a creeper.

Erik, aka The Phantom of the Opera
The original creeper and (obviously) my favorite! Poor, poor Opera Ghost. He never knew love, and the second there was something beautiful in his life, he became addicted to it. Thus, he did the only thing natural: kidnapped the love of his life, threatened to kill her boyfriend, and told her that if she wouldn't marry him he would completely obliterate the entire opera house in a flaming blaze of pyrotechinic glory even though she was, like, seventeen and he was in his forties. Did I mention he came in through her mirror? Well, he did. Did I also mention that he's a trained ex-ninja assassin? Well, he totally is. So not only is he the most-stalkery person on the list, he is also the most qualified.

So, that's my list of creepy French fictional men.

1 comment:

  1. Also anyone faking a French accent is a creeper. Mainly because there are better accents to imitate.


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