Saturday, June 16, 2012


I know, I know, this post isn't the one it's supposed to be, and I'm sorry. Okay, I'm really not sorry, and you'll know why momentarily.

While checking out my page views, I noticed that I have just over 800 total views. Now, I blame a good 400 views on that GIF of Tom in full Loki gear, smiling sweetly like the personification of perfection that he is (he'd deny it, which is how you know he really is perfect).

In fact, on a small tangent, apparently people are finding my blog by looking up "Tom Hiddleston with a puppy". And yes, those just happen to be two things I love (and I'm pretty sure I would totally melt if I ever saw a picture like that), but HELLO, there are no puppies on this blog. At least, none that I can find.

ANYways, I've decided to do something a bit... special because the number of views is going up. When my blog hits 999 viewers/readers (because that just so happens to be my favorite number) I will do something ultra super fantastic!

Those viewing on an actual computer will notice that I have a poll on the right hand side of my page. It will soon reflect what ultra super fantastic thing I am going to do, as I will be taking YOUR INPUT. Yes, that's right, I will be letting the readers decide!


While I will, indeed, be taking into account the polls, I will also be checking my email to see if anyone has suggested anything there. If one of those ideas totally blows my mind, I will be doing one of those instead. The reason I'm bringing this wild card into play is because, let's face it, most people find my blog to look at Tom Hiddleston GIFs that don't even really belong to me. So why not let the people who actually care about the words on the page decide? Also, I don't always have the best ideas, and someone would be like "But THIS!" and I would be like "HOLY CRAP, THAT'S AN INCREDIBLE IDEA!" and I would never have known unless they voiced their opinion.

So people, VOTE! EMAIL! Get your friends reading! Stop looking up Tom Hiddleston/Loki GIFs, even though they're so darn addicting! Let's propel my blog to a really cool number of viewers!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

They say you learn something new every day, but they never tell you if it's good or bad, but if it's about Disneyland, it's usually good. Right?

I know almost everything about it.

The significance of Abraham Lincoln to the Disney legacy.
Walt's light.
Club 33.
How unintentionally hilarious Walt Disney was.
"Disney's Folly" and how un-folly like it ended up being.

So believe me when I say that any fact you have to tell me about the parks would surprise me.

I was surprised twice on this trip.



I feel like I owe Nick Fury ten bucks or something.

Unfortunately, one little tidbit I learned was negative information and made me want to punch myself in the face every time I thought about it.
Sorry about that pause. I was trying not to punch myself in the face.

Well, let's get the bad news over with. Cars Land opens June 15th, as in the June 15th that's in three days from right this very moment. So, with only a few days until the grand opening, I figured there would be a soft opening; you know, where the area is open and they test things to see how everything is going to work. Well, there was a soft opening. And I couldn't go. Know why?


Yes, that is correct. I was stuck behind the wall, watching people go in and out like a starving, rabid wolf who just spotted a lame rabbit to snack on, listening to the music of the rides, seeing the happy faces go to and fro, and watching as people passed by, Cozy Cone drinks in their hands and Luigi's Flying Tires on their heads. It was my worst nightmare come to life in living color.

And on top of that, the entire front was closed off as well. Yup, Buena Vista Street was inaccessible, so you had to walk for FOREVER in order to actually get inside the park. It was a freaking nightmare. Oh, and did I mention that CM's got to check that out too? Yeah, I was not a happy camper.

But from what I glimpsed, it's amazing to see Radiator Springs.

It's a real place, guys.

Real people live there.

They just happen to be cars.

And now for the good news!

My aunt had heard a rumor about the Indiana Jones ride that seemed... odd, to tell the truth. The rumor claimed that inside one of the rooms in the queue, an image of Dumbo was projected because the space was originally intended to house a Dumbo attraction. This seemed weird because Disney already has a Dumbo ride; in fact, it's one of their most popular attractions. So why would they have another Dumbo attraction planned? The rumor stated that it was in the projection room and that you would need a flashlight to see it, but other than that, there was no clue as to where it could be.

And naturally, we asked a CM who thankfully knew what we were talking about.

Back in the day, the area wasn't a part of Disneyland- well, not really. It was a parking lot. And when they took the parking lot down to put the attraction in, they saved one of the flags from the lot and hid it in the back of the dark projection room. One would have to be in the next room, look back, and shine a flashlight up there in order to see it, but WAAAAAAAY in the back there is an old flag from the lot. And yes- you guessed it- that lot was the Eeyore lot.

Eeyore. Not Dumbo.

Some people clearly can't identify their animals.

I bet that's really hard for them when they try to identify the Republican and Democratic parties.

And on another note, I feel a lot better about being all super anal about my Disney movies. While watching the Disneyland Band play (they've been "held over" for over 50 years, you know), they were having the conductor "guess" the next song they were going to play. "The next movie starts with the letter 'A'!" the band member proudly announced as the conductor frowned. "Anastasia?" he asked, pulling a confused face. I- totally unintentionally- yelled along with the band "WHAT THAT DOES NOT EVEN MAKE SENSE THAT IS NOT A DISNEY MOVIE YOU ARE DUMB STOP BEING DUMB" or something to that effect, anyways. And it made me joyously happy and I laughed and people looked at me weird, even weirder then that time I walked down Paradise Pier doing the dance to "J-Pop (Welcome to Tokyo)" from "Phineas and Ferb", which is quite odd considering the nature of the dance and how I could even hear the music from so far away. Or when that random Cast Member caught me doing the Charleston in the way-back of California Adventure, strutting about with my jazz hands outstretched proudly.

But that's another story for another post.

Don't touch that dial! More of my Disneyland report is headed straight at 'ya!
Next post: Quotations make the world go 'round!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Some weird stuff goin' on round here

Okay, everyone. You know how I'm obsessed with things and people? Well, I realized something completely and totally significant the other day.

Something that has changed my life and how I define myself.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the MOST STUNNING....



And that news is:

Loki and Erik, aka the Phantom of the Opera, are tied as my favorite fictional characters.

My self identity is gone. I am no longer who I thought I was.

Tom Hiddleston, I blame you...

Monday, May 21, 2012

Dwarfs are not footballs or firewood, Thor. I thought you would have figured this out by now.

So I'm looking up Norse mythology because I'm bored and I have no life, when I come across the myth of the death of Baldr. It's an interesting story... And then comes the twist.

Thor is an idiot.

Like, a really big idiot.

Like, he kicks a dwarf.

For no reason.

Into Baldr's funeral pyre.

And he burned to death.


Thor! Just let the dwarf walk past you in peace, man! What did he do to you? Answer: NOTHING. This does not make anyone like you any more; in fact, I'd say it makes them like you less.

Seriously, Thor. Seriously. I don't want to know what you'd be like as a crossing guard.

Thor: Hey kids! Great day, isn't it! *kid brushes past him* AAAAAUGH, YOU LITTLE PUNK! YOU TOUCHED ME! *throws innocent kid into oncoming traffic*

And I don't even want to THINK about what it would be like if he had children! Thor, you are, like, the worst role model EVER.

Wait. No. It isn't Thor who's to blame here. It's Daddy Odin.

Daddy Odin, why did you just stand there and watch as your son punted a midget into a bonfire? Were you too busy being sad? Were you sad that your other little boy died, hm? Well, I'm sorry, but you don't cry over the series finale of Desperate Housewives when your kid is in the kitchen experimenting on puppies with thermite. THAT'S JUST NOT HOW THINGS WORK.

Look Daddy Odin, I'm not trying to say that your son's death wasn't tragic, because it was. All I'm saying is that you can't teach your kids to kick dwarfs into funeral pyres. That's not too much to ask, is it?

Now is the time I would usually talk about how Loki's still the only sane one here, but, you know, there's the whole "this is entirely his fault" thing going on, so my point would be moot.

But I still like Loki the best.

Friday, May 18, 2012

This is the funniest thing of my entire life

So I'm pretty sure this blog is turning into one giant "I LOVE TOM HIDDLESTON AND LOKI AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE THEM FOREVER AND EVER AMEN" post or something.

And I don't care.

BUT FOR REALS, I was listening to music the other day while brushing my teeth (because that's not weird at all) and this song pops up on my iPod. And because my mind constantly follows a logical train of thought, I started thinking about Loki.

And then I started laughing so hard I almost choked on my toothbrush and fell onto the floor crying.


I mean, I'm laughing just thinking about it now.

... I have no life.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Loki channels Taylor Swift

Because nobody knows emotions like Taylor Swift does.

What song works better for Loki than "Mean" by T Swizzle? I mean really, he's like a giant angry five year old who was just told that he's adopted and now all he really needs is a hug. Naturally he's going to be a bit angry with Thor, a.k.a. "Mr. Perfect" to Daddy Odin over there, for always trying to stop him, because we all know Loki does what he wants.

Anyways, here is my rewrite of the Taylor Swift song "Mean" as sung by Loki, complete with karaoke track. Learn it. Love it. Sing it all the time in random places and weird everyone else out.

You know I'm going to.

You, with your words and friends
And swords and Mjölnir that you use against me
You have knocked me off my feet again
Got me feeling like I'm nothing
You tell me I can't do what I want
How I want or when I want it
You're picking on the better man
You think you can take me down with just one single blow
But you don't know, what you don't know...
Someday I'll be ruler of a big old city,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
You hate my switching sides,
Fight my wildfire lies and my humiliation
You think you're superior again
As if I don't already see that
Walk tall, put my staff down,
Try to wipe them out but I'll never impress you,
And I just wanna be the best again
I've always been pushed around,
Never told who I really was
But this cycle ends right now
And let's see what this new staff does
And now I  know what you don't know...
Someday I'll be ruler of a big old city,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean.
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?
And I can see you years from now in Asgard
Talking about your latest battle
With that same big loud opinion
But nobody's listening
Washed up and ranting about the same old simple things
Drunk and raving on about how I'm "always wrong"
But all you are is mean
Yeah, and I do what I want!
I'm not lyin', you're pathetic and alone in life
And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean
But someday I'll be ruler of a big ol' city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean, yeah
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so?..
Someday I'll be ruler of a big ol' city (Why you gotta be so?..)
And all you're ever gonna be is mean (Why you gotta be so?..)
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me (Why you gotta be so?..)
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

That thing I forgot to mention

All the things I write on here are mine.

Do not take them.

The things that are not mine belong to their respective owners.

Thor belongs to Marvel and Europe.

The GIF's belong to Marvel and whoever made them.

Tom Hiddleston belongs to his own gorgeous self.

I meant to put these on here like a week ago, and totally forgot to.


Oh, and also the Once-ler belongs to Dr. Seuss and that one movie company.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Why are you reading this when you could be watching "The Avengers"?

Yup, it's movie review time! And what better way to kick off the weekend than with a review on the fantastic new Avengers movie?! I supply this answer: ACTUALLY WATCHING THE AVENGERS. Because that is where I would be right now if it was at all possible.

Not much compares to a midnight premiere of a movie. All the hardcore fans are there dutifully participating with their own kind in the ritualistic ceremonies of the nerd culture. While normally anti-social and reserved, it is in their own natural environment- such as a movie theatre at 11 o'clock at night- that these nerds are allowed to run freely, reverting back to their natural state.

And yes, this natural state usually involves cosplaying.

And if there's a super hot buff nerd running around without a shirt, cosplaying the Hulk... Well, nerd girls are sure to have the time of their lives.

In any case, I went with a fantastic group of friends to the 12:07 am showing of this movie, dressed up in my home-made Hawkeye shirt and ready to see if this movie lived up to my expectations.

I do believe these two GIF's completely summarize my entire experience:

See? I could just end the adventure here and I would be completely satisfied with my explanation BECAUSE IT WOULD BE ENTIRELY TOO ACCURATE.

But I won't, because you are all probably just dying to know exactly what I thought, and I can't disappoint my loyal fans.

So first off: Joss Whedon, you are brilliant. You are THE BEST. And you know what? I almost typed "THE BEAST" on accident, but it doesn't really matter because you are both. I swear, if ANYONE in the movie industry could personally tutor me for even, like, ten minutes on my writing, I would want it to be Joss Whedon. Seriously. Just kick Captain Hammer Thor off Asgard and give his spot to Joss.

Because he deserves it.

Secondly: the men in this movie. THE MEN. No shirtless guys this time, but who really needed it? Their uniforms were dashing enough. And if their looks were crap, it wouldn't matter, because they were all fantastic guys. I COULD ACTUALLY STAND CAPTAIN HAMMER THOR, GUYS. I DIDN'T WANT TO PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE EVERY TIME HE SHOWED UP ON SCREEN. That, my dear friends, is what we like to call "a miracle". And on that note, let me just say this: AGENT "PHIL" COULSON IS MY FREAKING HERO. Not because he's attractive or anything but because he fits the very definition of a hero and he's one of the best agents either S.H.I.E.L.D or the universe could have asked for. Yeah. I'm pretty sure it was actually Coulson who was really the first Avenger.

Last, and best of all, comes this: Tom Hiddleston.
Yeah. You heard me right.


The bad guy.

He's the best.

Know why? This:

This is why. Every time that happened, I think my heart skipped a beat.

Tom Hiddleston, if you are reading this right now, I think you're amazing. You are my favorite villain, and I sincerely do feel the need to tell you this. You have beat out the Once-ler, Megamind, Brennan from Burn Notice, Dr. Horrible, Red Skull, and every other villain I have ever even sort-of liked in the history of ever. You were terrifying, hilarious, and when you told all those people to kneel before you I'm pretty sure I almost fell to my knees myself. You are amazing, and brilliant, and don't ever change, unless that change is improvement, but I don't think you CAN improve because you are already too awesome. And that's a fact.

And a note for Loki (the character now, mind you): alien armies are difficult to handle. FANGIRL armies, on the other hand, run on a very basic set of rules. They will do practically anything you ask for practically nothing, save the fact that they are working for you and you visit them from time to time. In fact, give your orders in person, that can almost guarantee your work gets done. We may not be as fast, or as strong, or as fancy, or as able, or as capable as the alien army you previously had, but we have... um... we have, uh... a different skill set? I mean, yes! We have a different skill set! Is Captain America going to want to hit a poor, defenseless girl? NO! We blend into the crowd, unlike your little alien buddies. We can be causing mayhem and destruction without being immediately recognisable, and can easily slip away into the background.
Nobody notices the nerd girls.


Just look at how many views my blog has.

The movie was packed with action, humor, and awesomeness, and is one of the greatest movies I have ever seen, let alone a superhero movie. I cannot wait for the day I can hold that DVD in my hand and frolic about the land, rainbows and sunshine flowing down as I giggle and cry and prance through the daisies.

Or maybe instead I'll be deactivating a satellite because Loki told me to.


Sunday, April 22, 2012



Thrym: AHAHA, I am Thrym, King of the Ogres, and I am up to no good debauchery!


Thrym: Because I am completely intelligent, I am going to put shaving cream in everyone's hands and then tickle their noses! HA! They will not EVER figure this out!


Thrym: Oops, this is Freyja's room! She's actually pretty hot... I could totally kidnap her right now and force her to be my wife! Or I could just stare at her... *keeps staring* Wow. She's really hot. Maybe one day I will be able to come up with some completely random and totally stupid way to make her marry me, but for now, I'll just let her sleep.


Thrym: OH EHM GEE, IT'S THOR! I'm totes gonna steal his hammer!


Thor: I AM A MANLY MAN! I AM READY FOR THE DAY! I'M GONNA WORK OUT, BASH SOME SKULLS IN, AND-- wait, where's my hammer? *looks around* Hammer? HAMMER! Hammer, where are you?! *frantically throws things around searching for the hammer*

Loki: Hey Thor, I heard your usual morning war cry and then you stopped yelling, so I-- what are you doing on the floor?

Thor: *sniffle* I'm not crying, if that's what's you're implying.

Loki: ...Yeah, okay. As the god of lying and mischief, I can totally endorse that. But seriously, tell me why you're pouting like that.

Thor: *dramatic pause* ... I CAN'T FIND MY HAMMER!

Loki: Wow, that is totally a valid reason for lying despondently on your floor in hysterics! And this is obviously the best solution in such a case!

Thor: *sniffles* Yeah, I know...

Loki: Oh my Odin, GET OVER HERE. Man up and wipe those stupid tears off your face before I have to punch them off. Now, are you positive that it's not here? Because I usually have to find all of your stupid stuff, regardless of the fact that it's pretty much because I'm the one that hides it all.


Loki: Thor! Stop it, man! For once, I'm not lying! Cut it out! Look, there's a ransom note over there!

Thor: *drops Loki* Oh my Odin, look at this! A ransom note!

Loki: Wait, there was really a note there?

Thor: What should we do?

Loki: We should totally NOT call a meeting.

Thor: Okay.

Loki: ... Oh my-- I AM THE GOD OF LYING, THOR. Now move it!


Loki: "Hey, I have your hammer and I totes hid it, but not under my mattress, so don't look there. Because you won't find it there. At all. I could give it back to you if you let me marry that hottie Freyja, but until then it will stay under my mattress hidden. See you, losers!" ...Well then. Not only is this "king" incredibly dense, he's a horrible liar. I would know. Now, let's go snag it from under his mattress so that Thor will stop crying.

Thor: I'M NOT CRYING! I'm just sweating through my eyes...

Odin: NO! We need to deal with this situation in an entirely irrational and complicated matter. We're gods. It's what we do.

Freyja: OMG, I am like soooooo totally not marrying that icky ogre! He's like, gross and stuff!

Thor: But you have to! I need my baby back! *whimper*

Freyja: Ewwww, well then why don't you just marry him instead?

Odin: Freyja!

Loki: Oh, thank Asgard, finally someone has some sense!

Odin: That is a brilliant idea!

Loki: ...I'm sorry, what?

Odin: Thor, you can dress up as your sister and then pretend to marry Thrym! It is ingenious and cannot fail at all! You can take Loki with you, and everything will be restored to the natural order of things!

Loki: Um, NO, everything will be DOOMED. That is the stupidest idea I've ever heard!

Thor: I agree. I don't want to wear a dress! Please don't make me wear a dress, Daddy! I don't want to do it! *bursts into tears*


Loki: Screw you all. One day I'm totally going to do something to endanger all of you and make you hate me as much as I hate all of you right now. Maybe I'll become a stereotypical comic book villain and try to destroy an entire planet just to make my adoptive father love me more than his actual son, even though that clearly accomplishes absolutely nothing.

Thor: White isn't a very slimming color on me.


Thrym: OH EHM GEE, Freyja! You look so... so...

Loki: Masculine?

Thrym: Hot. Like even hotter than that time I totally sat in your room for forever and watched you sleep!

Loki: ...That is totally not creepy at all.

Thrym: So baby, help yourself to this delicious food. And I'll see you at the altar... *expression that is clearly an attempt at seduction*

Loki: I fear I may vomit...


Thrym: WOAH... My baby has a hefty appetite! You eat like a MAN!

Loki: Well, we've been traveling for forever. Don't you think she's going to be a little hungry?

Thrym: That is completely understandable! I don't suspect any foul play at all, even though this dainty love/sex/fertility goddess just downed an entire keg of beer in three gulps!

Loki: Wow. You really are stupider than you look.

Thrym: Yeah, so Freyja, baby, do you totally wanna go spoon for a little bit behind the- HOLY ODIN, what is wrong with your eyes?! They're all red and fiery!

Loki: An idiot would believe it's because she's really tired.

Thrym: Okay! Sounds about right to me!


Thrym: So Freyja, wait here for just a second while I go get Thor's hammer out from under my mattress. Your little messenger dude can totes take it back to Asgard for me.

Loki: Under his mattress. Did you hear that? It was UNDER his MATTRESS. And none of you believed me! None of you! You could have avoided this WHOLE THING if someone had simply LISTENED TO ME!!!!!

Thor: I changed my mind. I actually do enjoy this shade of white. It may not be very slimming, but it accentuates my curves.

Loki: ...I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Thrym: Okay, so here's the hammer!


Loki: Dear Odin, again with the theatrics?

Thrym: Wait, what?



Saturday, March 17, 2012

Where do all you people come from?

No, seriously, tell me where you come from.

I've had 271 page views total, some of which are from Russia and Germany. While that's totes awesome, how the heck did you find my blog? It's not that I don't appreciate the blog views- in fact, I generally whine about not having enough- but I have no clue what you're looking at in order to find my blog.

Am I on some obscure blogging website somewhere that recommends people read silly blogs? Are you people just spammers? Is my computer going to die because spammers looked at it? Are you guys actually Interpol? If so, can you recruit me to be a secret agent? Because think about it- who is going to suspect someone as totally inept as I am to be a spy? You could give me a laser and a jet pack, and I could become "THE STEAM PUNK!" because I would be a punk, and I'd have this great jet pack I could use. It's a brilliant idea, and you know it. So think about it, Interpol. You have my email address.

Anyways, are people actually TALKING about my blog? I hope it's in a good way. But a bad way could be okay, too.
"Hey, what are you looking at?"
"This great blog! You should read it!"
"Oh man, this is HILARIOUS! How do you find this stuff?! All I find are crappy blogs about indecisive teenagers."
"Really? Crappy blogs about indecisive teenagers? I find that hard to believe..."
"It's true! Look! *pulls up my blog*"

And just like that, I have another page view. BOOM! And maybe that person will actually like my blog. YOU NEVER KNOW.

So, in other words, if you don't actually know me (aka, found this blog other than my slathering it all over my Facebook page) please, please, PLEASE, I am BEGGING YOU, tell me how you found this blog. You will get free cyber hugs and lots of gold stars if you tell me through my email or by commenting. It'll only take ten seconds to earn my eternal gratitude. That's worth it, right?

Monday, March 5, 2012

I swear I'm actually working on stuff

I have an actual post I'm working on, as well as (maybe) posting some writing. I'm also considering opening a account, or whatever because it looks like a tumblr is not ahead in the forseeable future. No role-playing adventures for me :S

Instead, I'll leave you with this thought: Sutton Foster.

That is all :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I'm pretty sure all fictional French men are creepers

Yes, you read that right. I am pretty sure all fictional French men are creepers. How did I come to this conclusion? You tell me.

The Beast
Not much is as creeper as that picture right there. That just SCREAMS "creeper". Anyways, he has a magical mirror that he uses to see the outside world. Let me rephrase that: he has a mirror that lets him spy on people. Any time. Any place. Any where. AND YOU WOULD NEVER KNOW. Creeeeeeeeper....

In a way, Belle should be flattered that Gaston tried to blackmail force gain her hand in marriage. After all, he did manage to see her over the vast mass that was his ego. Basically, if a man wants you bad enough that he has to kill your crush-that-you-don't-even-realize-you-love-yet, barge into your house to "propose" by shoving his nasty feet in your face, and threaten to throw both you AND your dad in the insane asylum, he's pretty much a creeper.

Do I have to spell this one out for you? HE BURNT DOWN PARIS SO HE COULD GET IT ON WITH A GIRL. And not only that, but she was "gypsy scum," one of the people he was trying to eliminate. And she clearly told him where to go SEVERAL TIMES before he went all derpy "SAVE ME MARIA, SHE'S TOO HAWT!" let's-go-burn-down-Paris crazy. So I have no clue how you can NOT call Creepy Old Man a creeper.

Okay, I will be completely honest: I'm not all that familiar with Les Miserables. But suffice it to say that if some random dude walked up to me in a park and confessed his undying love before even telling me his name, I would be pretty terrified. And give him a fake name. And a fake address. And a fake phone number/email address. And then I would make sure he didn't follow me home. I wouldn't confess my new undying love for him ON THE SPOT. But whatever. Maybe I'm just crazy.

Cyrano de Bergerac
*sigh* As much as it pains me to admit it, Mr. Perfect is indeed a creeper. He stalked Roxanne for... what, his entire life before deciding to confess his love for her? And then he let some other dude get the credit for his awesome love notes so she won't diss him to his face because he couldn't handle his life if she wasn't in it. Sounds pretty bad, right? Don't lie to me, it totally does. Well, it gets WORSE. After the husband of the love of his life is killed, he creeped around Roxanne until the second he died. LITERALLY. HE LITERALLY DIES RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. Yuppers, he's a creeper.

Erik, aka The Phantom of the Opera
The original creeper and (obviously) my favorite! Poor, poor Opera Ghost. He never knew love, and the second there was something beautiful in his life, he became addicted to it. Thus, he did the only thing natural: kidnapped the love of his life, threatened to kill her boyfriend, and told her that if she wouldn't marry him he would completely obliterate the entire opera house in a flaming blaze of pyrotechinic glory even though she was, like, seventeen and he was in his forties. Did I mention he came in through her mirror? Well, he did. Did I also mention that he's a trained ex-ninja assassin? Well, he totally is. So not only is he the most-stalkery person on the list, he is also the most qualified.

So, that's my list of creepy French fictional men.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I promise I will never torture you like this AGAIN

I drew this on Paint with only my touch pad.

... No unkind words, please. Ladle (pictured) is very sensitive. And you'll probably be seeing a lot more of her in the future, so I would refrain from criticizing her.

After all, she has a ladle and she's not afraid to use it.
... Usually.

Expect pictures very similar to this in the future, except not-suckish and totally drawn by hand with a pencil and NOT digital in any way, shape, or form. (Which secretly makes me sad. WHY? WHY CAN'T I DRAW DIGITALLY? WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!)

At least it isn't a random picture of, like, Rick Moranis or something.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

He's in my mind, all right. And I am NEVER letting him go

Remember my one post a week goal? And ONLY one post a week? Yeah, that's not gonna happen, because I found something I need to talk about.

Or, rather, some ONE.

Ramin. Freaking. Karimloo.

Oh my gosh, man, could you BE any more attractive?!?! First there's the whole "you are extremely attractive thing" and then the whole "you made me cry because you totally NAILED Erik's character" and then releasing a country/rock CD in March? ... I think I have a new celebrity crush.

And he's only 16 years older than me.

... My other celebrity crush is 14 years older than me.

So what's 3 extra years?

Then again, Ramin is Canadian and Andrew Lee-Potts is British...

Whatever. Ramin can sing. He wins.

On a different note, I totally loved the entire performance. Sierra was... Let me put it this way: I SAW CHRISTINE'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. Yeah. It was pretty intense. And the guy who played Raoul? Hadley Fraser? He was awesome. Seriously, it was like Raoul woke up and said "I think I'll put my man-pants on today!" AND BOY DID HE! He was like "DUDE, STEP OFF MY TROPHY WIFE, FOOL!" and then the Phantom was all "Honestly, boy, your intelligence is utterly astounding. After all, YOU FORGOT TO KEEP YOUR HAND AT THE LEVEL OF YOUR EYES, IMBECILE." Yeah, I loved it.

And the costumes/set/makeup? Oh gosh. They were so amazing. I honestly have no words for how beautiful it was. Like, I want Christine's blue dress and her cape SO BAD, you have no idea.

To everyone who reads this: please please PLEASE find this and watch it. PLEASE. It was so much better than the movie, and had more references to the original story. THEY MENTIONED PERSIA, YOU GUYS. PERSIA. And they kind of referenced his torture chamber, too. Everything together was so perfect, I cried. Several times. And I'm not ashamed to admit it, you know why? Because this is my story. The story that introduced me to the man who could have held the empire of the world, and had to content himself with a cellar. That story. I get it. I really do. I love it so much it hurts sometimes. I'm one of those crazy "phans" who goes around screaming "I CHOOSE YOU, SCORPION!" at the top of my lungs, and I don't care how many people look at me funny because I know that 90 percent of the female population would actually agree with me if they knew what the heck I was talking about.

Erm, anyways...

Seriously, go watch this. I will forever have Ramin's voice floating around in my head because of it.

And unlike Christine, I cannot see anything negative about this.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Kylie knowing how to blog? HILARIOUS!

For those who decide to follow my blog, let me break it down.

*dances horribly*

Okay. Now let me tell you about the dealio with my blog.

The blogs I follow are a select few. Why? Because I don't find random people's blogs and start reading them, mostly because I have no clue how the Internet works. Anyways, the blogs I DO follow were found through Sparklife, and I decided that since Sparklife was so uber fantastic, I might as well try reading these other blogs. And that, my friends, is how I discovered Dan Bergstein and Megan Prietzel's blogs.

And let me just say, I do not regret A SINGLE MOMENT spent reading these blogs.

The longer I read these blogs, the more I thought "I like to write. I can say funny things. Why don't I start a blog?" And that's when that little monster called Lack of Confidence emerged and was all "U R UH LOOSER. DONT DOOO IT. U'LL MESS UPP & BE ALL LAUGHED AT & STUFFF..."

Well, guess what Lack of Confidence? I DID screw up! HA!
... Wait

Okay, whatever. I can do this. So far, it's Internet:1 Kylie:0 but THINGS CAN CHANGE!

My goal is to blog every week, and occasionally throw in awesome little segment things; for example, I plan to show off my totally rad art skills on here. They are SO rad that everyone will be ready to, like, buy my art for a million dollars the second they see it. They won't even know what it is. They'll just see the color red and be all "A TRILLION DOLLARS RIGHT NOW! Aw, it's a puppy! <3" That's how good my art is.

I plan on other segments, but I don't want to say anything at the moment in case I change my mind and decide not to do them.

So, in essence... I'm desperately trying to figure out this whole blogging thing. Hopefully it goes well. Cross your fingers and wish me luck! Or just tell me I suck. That could happen, too...

I suck at Interneting

... My first blog is kind of dead.


So, I got this one instead.

If you look carefully, you'll see a zero in the address.

... It's new.

... It doesn't mean anything. It's just a zero.

The zero has zero relevance.


And now it has meaning.

Go figure.